
Làm thế nào để có cú đánh bóng dài và chính xác với gậy driver

Ngày đăng 22:50 - 07/12/2016 - Cập nhật lúc: 11:24 sáng

Bình luận (10)

  1. Xuân Hoàng says:

    quá hay

    1. Bùi Công Chính says:

      mình cũng thấy hay thật

  2. Ngô Văn Định says:

    mình mới thích môn này

  3. Andrew John says:

    I can’t tell you how much this video has helped my swing! Thank you so much!! I have had a terrible slice that I’ve had to deal with for the year or so that I’ve been playing. I’ve taken lessons and tried all kinds of fixes to straighten my drive with no luck. After I tried the K Bomb set up I immediately started hitting the ball straight. Thank you soooooo much!!!!

  4. Nam Cường says:

    slice là lỗi thường gặp của mọi người mới chơi. Tất cả là do bạn sai tư thế thôi. Vì thế những người mới chơi nên học thầy để có những kiến thức cơ bản nhất tránh sau này sửa sai. Vì lúc đấy rất khó.

  5. Steven Evan says:

    I sliced everything yesterday. Can u do a video about concentration, how to remember simple things before hitting the ball?

  6. Anh Khoa says:

    Em dùng cây driver này chẳng thấy slice tí nào

    1. Bình Trọng says:

      Bác đánh Honma thì nhất rồi. Trợ lực và swing thì bóng cứ thẳng tưng thôi.

    2. Anh Khoa says:

      Mình cũng có tuổi rồi bạn ạ! Nên chỉ dùng dòng Honma thôi

  7. MC Daniel says:

    I went from a ten year slice to an automatic straight to draw shot. I rarely hit a draw and 10% of the time a straight shot, 90% of the time i am slicing or fading. Never understood the plane and coming over the top. Went onto the course no practice and followed these simple steps and hit 80% fairways with either a draw or straight shot at my target or within 5 yards. Approach to the green was the same. I did feel the adjustment immediately because I was actually making contact with the ball versus coming across or grazing it. I am usually driving 220 to 250 but aiming it 40 yards left of the fairway, this helped me to drive it 260 to 280 aiming right down the center. Maybe its the way you explain it to make me understand it, cause ive had plenty of people trying to help me for years. Amazing simply amazing. Great video will continue to go to you for advice and tips on my golf game.

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